Rule of the Week - Article 251 - Entries
Article 251 ENTRIES
1. Athletes, horses jumping in competitions and the horse’s owner/s must meet the membership requirements as set out in the Equestrian Australia regulations.
2. Entries for events must be made on the forms provided by the Organising Committee.
3. At the time of entry athletes must provide the required details of the horse’s registration.
4. Starts Horses are restricted to 2 competition starts per day unless the schedule states that more are permitted.
5. Hors Concours. A horse, which is not fully eligible for a particular competition, may be allowed to take part in that competition Hors Concours, subject to the following conditions.
5.1 Permission is entirely at the discretion of the Organising Committee.
5.2 The judge must be informed that permission has been given.
5.3 The rider is subject to the rules as if he/she were a athlete in the competition, except as provided in this rule.
5.4 The owner, rider and horse must meet the membership requirements as set out in the EA General Regulations.
5.5 A horse, which has competed at an event Hors Concours, is not allowed to compete subsequently for prizes on that day at that event in the same ring.