Rule of the Week - Article 205 - Course Plan
Article 205 – Course Plan
1. The Course Designer must give the Ground Jury a copy of the course plan showing accurately all the details of the course. An exact copy of the course plan given to the Ground Jury must be posted as close as possible to the entrance of the arena, prior to the beginning of each competition. For all Competitions the track as measured by the Course Designer must be indicated on the course plan that is posted prior to the Competition.
2. The obstacles are numbered consecutively in the order, in which they must be jumped, except in certain competitions specified in the JRs.
3. Combination obstacles carry only a single number. This number may be repeated at each element for the benefit of the Ground Jury and athletes. In this case, distinguishing letters will be added (for example: 8A, 8B, 8C etc).
4. The plan must indicate the following:
4.1. the position of the starting and finishing lines. During a round, unless otherwise indicated, these may be re-crossed without penalty;
4.2. the relative position, type (spread or vertical obstacle, triple bar) numbering and lettering of obstacles;
4.3. any compulsory turning points marked by a white flag on the left side and a red flag on the right;
4.4. the track to be followed by athletes marked either by a continuous line (in which case it must be followed precisely) or by a series of arrows showing the direction in which each obstacle must be jumped (in which case the athlete is free to choose his own track). Should there be a compulsory section in an otherwise unrestricted course, both methods must be used on the same plan;
4.5. the table of penalties to be used;
4.6. the speed for the Competition if applicable;
4.7. the length of the course;
4.8. the time allowed and the time limit, if any; or the fixed time in certain Competitions, as specified in the JRs;
4.9. the obstacles, the length, the time allowed and the time limit for the jump-offs;
4.10. the combinations considered as completely closed or as partially closed (Article 214);
4.11. All decisions and/or modifications made by the Ground Jury in regard to the course.