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NEWS > Jumping
Posted by Equestrian New South Wales on 15/02/2016.

Rule of the Week - Article 203 - Bell

  • Article 203 - Bell

1. The bell is used to communicate with the athletes. One of the members of the Ground Jury is in charge of the bell and responsible for its use. The bell is used: 

1.1. to give permission to the athletes to enter the arena when the course is ready for their inspection (Art 202.1) and to signal that the inspection time is over; 

1.2. to give the signal to start and to activate a 45-second countdown shown in the timing equipment in the scoreboard or in another display beside the arena.  

  The 45-second countdown sets the time that the athletes can spare before commencing his round. The Ground Jury has the right to interrupt the 45second countdown if unforeseen circumstances occur. Incidents such as, but not limited to disobediences, and falls, occurring between the signal to start and up to the moment the athlete crosses the starting line in the correct direction, are not penalised (see JRS Art 235.3). 

  After the bell has rung, crossing the starting line in the correct direction for a second time before jumping the first obstacle is counted as a disobedience. However, the Ground Jury in its discretion if the situation so warrants has the right not to activate the start or to cancel the starting procedure, give a new signal to start and restart the countdown. 

1.3. to stop an athlete for any reason or following an unforeseen incident and to signal to him to continue his round after an interruption (see Art 217.4 and 233); 

1.4. to indicate to him that an obstacle knocked down following a disobedience has been replaced (Art 233); 

1.5. to indicate by prolonged and repeated ringing that the athlete has been eliminated. 

2. If the athletes do not obey the signal to stop, they may be eliminated at the discretion of the Ground Jury (Art 241.4.5) except where specifically provided for under article 233.2). 

3. If, after an interruption, the athlete restarts and jumps or attempts to jump without waiting for the bell to ring, he will be eliminated (Art 241.3.14).

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